Federation Spain Acquires “My Stalker,” Xavier Rull’s Frontières Platform Player

Federation Spain Acquires “My Stalker,” Xavier Rull’s Frontières Platform Player

The Madrid-based division of renowned independent European studio Federation Entertainment, Federation Spain, has signed on to co-produce “My Stalker,” Xavier Rull’s feature debut that was chosen for this year’s Frontières Platform at Cannes.

Structured as a Spain-Mexico-U.S. The co-production “My Stalker” is currently being exhibited at Monster Box, a horror independent company that Rull just founded with the acclaimed Mexican director Jack Zagha (“Adiós mundo cruel,” “Sin señas particulares”).

“My Stalker” centres on a budding young singer in the music business who is being pursued by an enigmatic, frightening individual with the ability to possess people astrally.

She enters a sinister realm where music, nightmares, and the paranormal mix as she tries to write a new album, manage the demands of fame, and get away from her stalker.

Rull and María Rocher, the head of co-production and support strategy at Federation Spain, co-created and co-wrote the film.

According to Rull, “‘My Stalker’ is a psychological thriller with an original high concept.”

It looks at a girl’s slow spiral into sadness. In a metaphorical sense, “Stalker” represents this mental disease as an evil force that engulfs the victim. You become alone before being consumed by it. “‘Stalker’ is an illness that she encounters and must learn to cope with,” he clarified.

Federation has been operating in Spain since 2020 and has produced notable films such the sci-fi thriller “Awareness,” directed by Daniel Benmayor on Prime Video, and the drama “Las Niñas de Cristal,” directed by Jota Linares on Netflix.

Juan Solá, the CEO of Federation Spain and Jaume Collet-Serra’s producing partner, expressed his excitement about working on this commercial film with a significant message. Solá has produced films such as “Extinction,” “The Commuter,” “Nightingale,” and “Retribution.”

“Stalker” was showcased on May 18 during the Proof of Concept pitching session at Cannes. This event was a component of The Frontières Platform, a networking and co-production market that the Cannes Film Market and the Fantasia Film Festival organised.

Producers and filmmakers can showcase their original proof of concept teasers to potential financiers, sales agents, and distributors through Frontières, an organisation that specialises on financing genre films and facilitating co-productions between Europe and North America.

On May 19, Frontières held its second session, the Buyers Showcase, which focused on films that were either recently completed or works-in-progress and were looking for foreign distribution, festival selection, or sales representation.


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